Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Jo Rules: Love

Me : Hey, Jo! I Love You! (accompanied by enthusiastic voice and cuddles)
Jo: I love... ME! (also enthusiastic)

Monday, August 11, 2014

Jo Rules: Gratitude

"Dear Heavenly Fada
Thank you for today
Thank you for my family
Thank you for my bubbles"

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Jo Rules

Jo: What'd you do today?
Irene: Well, I went to work and I watched soccer...
Jo: Oh that's cool!

Jo: Did he fall down?
Me: Yes
Jo: Is he ok now?
(Too much football perhaps?)

Jo: *yells at screen*
Come on you guys!

I'm making a World Cup fan one day at a time over here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Jo Rules

We are currently working on getting Jo to include please when asking for things.

Jo: "I'm hungry!" 
(This is the daily breakfast announcement)
Adam: "what do you say?"
Jo: "I want ice cream!"

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Jo Rules: Bring a Friend (Update)

Jo and Harriet continue to be firm friends, however, they recently had a slight bump in the road.

From the kitchen I heard the toilet lid closing and said to Adam:
"Has Jo locked herself in the bathroom again?" (Just to clarify, she's not locked in in the traditional sense. She frequently goes in there and closes the door on herself, which, since she lacks the dexterity to reopen said door, effectively results in her being locked in to the bathroom)
"Probably" says Adam and proceeds to investigate.
Whereupon we proceed to utter some of the best phrases yet in our parenting adventure.
"No baby in the toilet, Jo!"
"We don't put babies in the toilet"
So on and so forth.

Jo has made many mentions of this over the days since.
"Baby's wet" she has told me, as well as "she's all wet" and "wipe!" (her preferred post-toilet command but this time applying it to Harriet).  The rules have also been reiterated for me. "No baby in the toilet" she has solemnly informed me on several occasions.

I'm glad the lesson has sunk in. I must admit I'm concerned. She not only dunked Harriet - she closed the lid on her.

Clearly making nefarious plans

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Jo Rules: Say funny things

Two examples of hilarious Jo dealings recently.

Trying to get my attention while I am chatting with my sisters:


While I am holding one of her dolls -

Me: "What is this doll's name, Jo?"
Jo: "Harriet"
Me: "No, that doll's name is Harriet. What is this doll's name?"
Jo: "The name's Crush!"
(For anyone who doesn't watch Finding Nemo on the regular, that's part of a quote from the turtle in the movie. The full quote is "Dude, Mr. Turtle is my father. The name's Crush")

Jo revels in her own hilarity

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Baby Rules: Write it Down Edition #120 or something

I just want to remember that on this 25th day of February Jo fell asleep on my lap while I was singing "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" to her before naptime. We had a pretty tragic/exhilarating morning involving baby digits mauled by a razor, liquid bandaid and a bouncy castle at a friends house. Too much excitement and drama for our littlest rule maker.
I realised in the middle of the song (which she calls 'tinkle') that she was out for the count with those ridiculously gorgeous lashes resting peacefully on perfect porcelain cheeks. So I sat there for a minute to drink her in.
So many parenting fails but a sleeping-on-you baby will always  feel like a win.

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

January Rules: Bundle Up

You have to make sure the baby is warm. People generally frown up letting your baby run around in little-to-no clothing in the dead of a Utah winter. Still, this may have been overkill:

And if she had her way she would absolutely have tried to go on this expedition to the park in just her diaper. Maybe some socks.