Friday, November 4, 2016

Flying Rules: Restore Your Faith in Humanity

Here's the thing about flying with two small people. It's stressful, and there's not a thing you can do about it. You have to get on the plane. You can't opt out, (at least you can't if you join the foreign service) and a lot of times there seems to be nothing you can do to improve the outcome. Also, sometimes you have to fly with a person who isn't interested in being confined to her car seat, or watching a movie, or sitting in your lap, or reading her books, or eating her food, or playing with the toys you brought. <cough, Maggie> However this person may also be accompanied by another who watches her movies and goes to sleep like the best traveling child known to man. I pray this saving grace upon you.

There's another thing that no one tells you about flying with small people - it can restore your faith in humanity*. Occasionally to the point of tears. You'll sit between two Grandmas with your 16 week old and they will help you get all set up to nurse and coo over your baby when she's awake. People will help you with your bags. Or your stroller. Or those stupid car seats. Or almost anything really. Airline personnel will let you board early. Or do a magical thing called bag valet. People will watch your sleeping toddler so you can go to the bathroom. They'll point at their teenagers and tell you it gets SO much easier. A flight attendant will grab you while you're struggling and tell you "Breathe! You can do this -you've already done the hard part!" and then she'll get you a glass of water. Folks will play peek-a-boo over the seat with your never-endingly restless one year old.  They'll tell you your kids were great on the flight, even when you know it was their worst flight yet. It's amazing. People can be totally incredible. 

*With one caveat. You have to be alone with your small people. If you've got a second adult you are often completely and utterly out of luck. A cute child or two helps too....

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Cousin Rule: They're the Best

Today as I was sitting on the couch I let Maggie watch some videos from our recent UK trip. I pulled up one of her baby cousin (almost four months old) and Maggie pointed and exclaimed with glee "Bea!" At which point my heart melted and I thought "I would spend any money in the world for that!"
One of the coolest parts of the parenting gig so far (in my book at least) has been introducing and having my girls spend time with their cousins. It's sort of like more siblings but with less work. Less work for me at least; my sister-in-law's who have four or five babies are definitely doing more work :)