Sunday, July 3, 2011

Road Trip Rule #1: Make a Plan

Then lose the plan.
T-2 days until 'Epic Road Trip 2011' (note to self: better name needed. Pronto) and we've lost the plan. Literally. It's gone.
The aprtment is empty, the car is packed and the glee calendar with the daily schedule of epic road trip activities is lost. It is likely now reposing in one of what seemed like a hundred bags of trash.
This is akin (for me at least) to leaving behind your oxgen when going on a space walk. Not that I am in the habit of space walking you understand, but I happen to think that oxygen would be an important component of said undertaking. Correct me if you know otherwise. Then let's talk about how/why you know otherwise.
So, we have to recreate the plan. It's on the list. Sadly I have not written the list yet. Two days left and no list? Sheer madness I tell you. Sheer madness. This is akin to.........I can't think of anything fittingly horrendous for this to be akin to. It is just it's own personal extreme brand of horror.
Well now, let us leave the horror for a moment and move on to announce the first ever Adam Bliss Family road trip blog. For purposes of simplicity, said endeavour (the road trip blog endeavour, not the road trip itself - for obvious reasons) will happen here on our already existing blog. We will be striving to bring you our road trip as it happens. Our success will depend largely on two or three factors including, but not limited to, the following:
1- my (laura) ability to stay awake while not driving. Said ability is usually highly limited. I'm like the screaming baby people put in the car - asleep in seconds. No need to worry here though, the same is not true for while I am driving.
2- our ability to keep the phone charged. The road trip blog is most definitely brought to you via smartphone. The actual computer this family owns is located in the trunk of my 2001 VW Jetta. No one is blogging from the trunk I assure you. If anyone is in that trunk right now they've got bigger problems to worry about.
3- my ability to not spend all the time talking to the husband of the Adam Bliss Family. This one may be impossible. We'll see, we'll see.
4 - other undefined things I have yet to think of. These are things I don't want to think about, the possibilities are endless.

That's it for now. More updates to follow.


  1. What's wrong with talking to husband the whole time?
    I am so sad you lost your epic plan! Good luck. Maybe plan B will be better.
    Good luck!

  2. I am thrilled that you will be blogging your adventure and even more excited to see your posts via smartphone. I, for one, stink at smartphone-ing anything coherent, and the thought of one publishing such a post thrills me to no end.

    Good luck. Take lots of pictures. Enjoy these kid-less adventures. We only dream of them.
