Adam first applied for this job back in April of 2014 so to have it finally come to fruition 20 months later has been strange. I keep saying to Adam 'We're really doing this!?!' For so long it has just been out there on the horizon as a possibility. I grew and birthed a tiny human in that time, for heavens sake!
The step we are currently engaged in is the four of us schlepping out to Virginia by January 25th so that Adam can start training. I say that like we're doing the lion's share when really we aren't. The government is going to move us. And fly 3/4 of us out there. And house us. It's a pretty cushy way to start a worldwide adventure, for sure! And I'm counting my blessings: I can't imagine trying to get ready for a cross country move while also trying to orchestrate and enjoy Christmas. That would be challenging. I'll take all the list making I have to do instead (we all know how much I love to make lists) and count my lucky stars that I may not have to lift a single box during this entire move!
How exciting (and daunting)! I look forward to hearing all about it :)