The house was packed, cleaned and locked up by us for the last time yesterday. It was a good little house for our almost three years there, even though it desperately needed new windows. And carpet. And paint. And bathroom. And kitchen. Baby J did so much growing there (learned to walk, potty trained, moved into a twin bed, got herself a baby sister) and it was the only home #2 had ever known. I shall miss the memories in that house, we made lots of good ones.
This morning we sent Adam off with a car packed to the gills (not sure how it's all going to fit in the tiny VA apartment....) and the girls and I were delivered safely, and just a little sadly, to Ogden. Fear not though, I have decided what we have here is a mini vacation! We will see the sights (Treehouse Museum I'm looking at you!) and roundly enjoy ourselves before boarding a flight for DC on Monday morning. Carpe Diem!
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