Monday, July 25, 2016

Saubi Rules: Stay off the Road

There are some really unique things about Saubi. The most noteworthy of these, for our purposes today: women can't drive.
As you'd imagine, this can be quite the obstacle. I imagine it will be for me in the not so distant future. If I'm honest, with 10 days in country now, it has been a pain, but only slightly. The current ameliorating factor being that we don't have our car yet, so it's not as though there's a perfectly good vehicle sitting in my front yard.  Thank goodness for the embassy provided rides because it is hot as all get out here so I'd never go anywhere without. Even the embassy, which is less than a couple of miles, is impossible to walk to at this point.
To elaborate further - the embassy has a motorpool of vehicles with a well-staffed office of drivers and I can call them to schedule a ride. They will come and pick me up and take me where I need to go (usually the embassy). For longer trips there are also pre-scheduled shuttles to grocery stores, souks, some restaurants and even IKEA. The biggest kink in the works at the moment is Baby M and her naps, because there are still two of them and so our window to leave the house is miniscule.
I can imagine when the weather is cooler and my bike gets here we may have more freedom of movement. I am hoping that is true at least.
I must confess though, that I've been watching the roads while I'm being chauffeured around and I have no interest in driving here anyway! The roads are pretty busy, the drivers are interesting, and there seems to be a LOT of construction going on at all times and in all places. It's been alarming to watch some of the close calls and some of the decisions other drivers make. I'm sure there will be more to report on this matter. Possible swear words for sure.

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