Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Maggie Rules: Grow Your Hair

The thing is, when your first baby comes with hair (which was a surprise to be honest, both in colour and amount) you expect subsequent babies to come with hair. Behold Jo's newborn locks.

She wasn't going to win any hairy baby contest but she had hair, no doubt about it. She continued to have hair too. She never really got that bald patch in the back that some babies get. 

There's an old blog post about the advent of her pigtails, at 8 months old even. 

Her pigtail game continued to be strong at two years old. Basically, Jo's hair went from strength to strength. Nowadays it's sort of off the charts in gorgeousness. People stop her and ask if I curl her hair. Nope. Ain't nobody got time for that. 

    It's just a thing that happens when you're Jo.

Now don't get me wrong, Maggie did come with hair. When they handed her to me, she had the tiniest little curls of red hair. I started telling all and sundry she was a red head. I was ecstatic on her behalf - I spent years envying my sister's lush red curls. Nobody was convinced though, and when you look at pictures it isn't hard to see why. Maggie's hair when not wet was nonexistent. She had fabulous wrinkly old man bald head. 

I was firmly convinced though that she was a red head and as time marches on I continue to hope she's got some curl. 

The lack of growth in Maggie's hair has led to an ongoing series of updates on her hair status. This results in a weird collection of pictures and outtakes that lead to much hilarity when viewed as a whole. Behold, just some of your Maggie hair updates:

So, our hair situation has recently moved firmly into the pigtail category. Not only that, but Maggie will now ask for her hair to be done. If she watches Jo get hers done first that is. And as such, I had to document the pigtails on the Christmas card. Oh what a joy they are, even the second time around. Perhaps especially the second time around.

Oh this girl! 

1 comment:

  1. Ha. Ace post. I would have swapped you the curls and colour you know!
