Friday, December 10, 2010

Rule #9: Dancing like a maniac is totally worth the sore knees

I love my job. A lot. I get to do something for other people all day.
I do not enjoy reviews though. I have to do employee reviews in the next two months. As in I have to review them. Every bone in my body is pretty much terrified of that. I hate being a supervisor quite a bit. And then we have one of our funding agencies coming to review us. I'm not a huge fan of being at work on the weekends, and late at night to make sure everything is perfect. Especially when I'm pretty sure I'll forget something and that will be what they look at..... sigh.
Where's that line though? Between wanting to do a really good job and making yourself crazy? I'm getting to the point where I am ready to call it quits for my own sanity!
Anyway, on to the story for the day.

On Wednesday I got to work at 8 and I couldn't see the computer screen properly. It felt like I was wearing the wrong prescription - that fuzzy out of focus feeling. By 8:15 I had flashing lights all around the outer ring of the vision in my right eye. A sure fire sign the dreaded migraine is on its way. 8 in the morning is a a record for early onset though. Just for the record.

So. My boss came in and saw me holding my head and asked what was wrong. I told her I had a migraine starting. She proceeded to do some research with a fellow migraine sufferer in the building. She came back with this advice: salt, sugar, caffeine, peppermint, Excedrin and sleep. Considering I had already downed 2000mg (yes 2000 I wasn't messing around) of acetaminophen I figured I should probably skip the Excedrin (plus it was out of reach considering I had left it at home - despite looking at it on the couch that morning and wondering if I should bring it..... personal fail) but my coworker passed me some crackers and my boss rustled up some cheesy cracker things (who knew they made those in pepper jack? I had no idea but I think that is most excellent) and I ate some of the chocolate that was sitting on my desk (Bliss chocolate naturally).
By 9:30 I was nauseated and in huge amounts of pain. This of course produced the usual teasing a nauseated newlywed is subject to. And a hilarious conversation wherein my roughly 40-year old coworker who is 5 months pregnant said "This is a gift of God (referring to her cute belly) and it took me a lot of bible study to learn that. I told them (at bible study) God already done gave me gifts - I got three of them." So then I was laughing and nauseated.
At least by this point the flashing had stopped - that part always makes me feel dizzy too. Truly horrendous. One of my coworkers said, and I quote "You need to not be around us." I assured her I wasn't contagious and she kindly told me she meant I needed to go somewhere quiet. That's quite the challenge when you think about where I work.
Within a coupe of minutes I had thought of somewhere to go. We have a multipurpose room on the 3rd floor that has large walk in closets. When I got migraines on the mission I used to lock myself in the closet - dark and quiet. I decided this would be the perfect hideout for a little nap so I didn't have to toss the towel in and go home.
So, I headed up to the gym, unlocked the closet and used the yoga mats, blankets and blocks to good use. Two hours later at noon I stumbled out of the closet with the edge of my migraine definitely gone, but still pretty fuzzy and sort of useless.
By 3 o'clock I still wasn't back on form. And here's where it gets good. (I've just realised this is a really long post for a relatively short punch line) We're in staff meeting and my two co-workers are talking about what they are about to present to their employees in smaller 'breakout groups' and I start to question them on what they are presenting and when they decided this? They proceed to tell me that we had just discussed this.
"What? Where was I?" To which they assure me I was there and had discussed it.
Then I said the best line of the day: "I feel like I just came out of the closet."
Just like that.

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