Thursday, December 16, 2010

Rule #11: Fruity candy canes are way better than mint ones

I had a new idea for the new year. Pictures of stuff we do every week. This will have a two-fold purpose. I will take more pictures and I will blog more often. Sometimes I may throw in old pictures just to mix things up.
So here's the wrap up from last week.
Saturday Dec 1st.
Adam went sailing and played video games with the guys. Laura read and went shopping and then watched this movie with some girlfriends:

Said movie I found throughly entertaining, but probably not in the way the movie makers intended. I will say though, that Jane Seymour's hair in this movie is A-may-zing. Seriously. There were times I worried her neck suffer might severe irreparable damage. I've never seen so much hair in one place.

The problem with this day of entertainment was simply that it didn't end soon enough. Why?
For one simple reason.
We went to sleep far too late (though we did read the Sunday school lesson first) and yawned our way through the three hours.
And then we napped. Oh boy did we ever. I haven't had a proper Sunday nap for eons it seems like - pitfalls of the singles ward, church is always late it seems.
Anyway, I put a new Sunday evening activity into play this last week:

Yes that is me in the longest tube socks I have ever seen. (Those may not actually belong to me - debate rages) And my new chucks from Christmas. Yes I cut my head off from the picture. There's no need for anyone to see my hair post serious Sunday nap. The new activity would be Sunday afternoon walks which is why I am bundled up in all sorts of fabulousness. For now they are short and sweet on account of it being mighty chilly in these parts. Also we saw a cat that evening and I think Adam was afraid that if we stayed out too long I might go back and get it. I was sorely tempted.

Then it was Monday and all of a sudden the new year of work was upon us. Or some of us anyway. I did not have to work. Of which I was glad. I had ruined my sleep schedule over the break and some recovery time was in order. I ended up going to lunch with this handsome rascal however:

(That's Adam on his birthday with a sign we saw that pretty much sums up his approach to life the universe and everything)

And we ate barbecue.
Barbecue I've been craving for months mind you.

Adam tested out a termometer I had bought at Target that afternoon. (I really just put this up as picture evidence of the beard - makes a great contrast)

Tuesday arrived a lot faster than I had planned on (as such things do) and it was back to work. I put in my leave request, prompted by the purchase of certain plane tickets. Said purchase also prompted the check out of these, which I glanced at on Wednesday but did not start to seriously read on account of a gripping book club selection for the month (I have since finished said selection, no longer gripped.)

Wednesday I took a picture of my desk because apparently what I want to remember about this day is that I worked my tail off? I have no idea why I took said picture to be honest. I was probably proud of how tidy my desk was, though I know that to the untrained (realistically any) eye it probably looks like a disaster.

A little narration needed here I feel. The fairy is from my Mum who placed it atop the computer screen while she was here over the break. Prior to that she had rested regally in the wire mesh cup device that I still haven't found a real use for. The window in the background is supremely useful for days when you want to pretend none of it is happening. My office mate and I will often spend time staring out the window. The cup is for my hot drink in the mornings. And those pink post-it notes are almost literally covering the entire other half of my desk you can't see.

Thursday I went to the District of Columbia Superior Court. Many of our clients have to go and report to a Judge every year and Thursday was one of those days. The courthouse has a whole new entrance since the last time I was in it to be a bailiff for mock court. Quite pretty I think - makes for lots of light in the entrance area. I have to thank the security for the picture as I had clean forgotten that I was working on taking pictures until they pulled it out of my bag and held it hostage while I was at the hearing!

As for Friday? I can't for the life of me remember what we did. Not a clue. I will research and if anything is produced by said research include it in the next week's picture post.

Instead I will leave with a picture of the saddest thing that happened this week:

Adam took down the Christmas decorations which included these two Santa Claus'. The stocking was from my Mum and the other guy was from the day after Thanksgiving decoration blow out (we spent the majority of the day shopping for decorations) courtesy of our a wedding gift card for Pier 1. I would probably still have everything out if it were up to me to be honest. I hate to take everything down. Love to put it all up heartily dislike taking it down.


  1. Love that Pier One santa. However, I completely love taking down the Christmas decor. As much as I love Christmas, I'm done on Jan.1.

    I'm envious of your Sunday naps.

  2. Many thoughts:
    1. Your rule is almost always true. You can tell by the mamba wrappers and sour patch kid dust in our house.
    2. Craving BBQ? I blame/congratulate Adam for that.
    3. Jealous of your upcoming trip. Perfect time of the year to get away :)
    4. Love the update! Keep them coming.
