Yoga was back in force this week. They have a free yoga class Monday nights at work. Let's be frank about yoga. It's painful. Especially after about a month without class. In the middle of class we were doing a bunch of standing poses:
And as we finish one the teacher says to the room "Don't you just love standing poses, they get everything working, they feel great, don't they?" to which several of my traitorous co-workers are like "yeah, like totally, yeah we love it." I guess my face must have given away the death I was wishing them in my head. The teacher was like "Uh Laura, you don't look so certain" at which point I just up and confessed. "I hate standing poses." Stunned silence. "All of them."
My teacher looked pretty stunned and discombobulated. I felt a little bad and tried to mollify her with "I'm just not sold yet" and then she proceeded to do several more standing poses. Just to show me I think. Consider me showed. I still hate them.
So, it snowed here this week. Depending on how you look at it, it was the perfect snow. Done overnight and clear enough to go to work the next morning. Except that I get snow days at work if schools are closed and this was nowhere near enough to close the schools. Too bad. I took a picture before I headed out the door to work though because I thought it was pretty.
That was Wednesday. I think. I went to work and had to sprinkle the salt out front myself. Glamorous life I lead.
Then there was a very dramatic event involving my wardrobe:
Thursday we had Rob over for dinner though I sadly didn't take a picture of the meal I made up. Rob liked it and Adam said it would be better with tomatoes in it. I wasn't hugely impressed probably because I liked it just fine as the vegetarian dish I based it on.
Then on Friday this happened:
Rob and Danae came over and we made pizza. This is Adam eagerly awaiting his puff pastry pizza coming out of the oven. It's a good thing he did. I forgot to eagerly await anything and mine got burned. Luckily by then we'd had two other pizzas and a delicious salad. Highly successful pizza evening despite the burning of my own efforts.
Tell Adam to shave - it doesn't matter that he's sick. That's no reason for laziness. He could even do it in bed.