Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Maggie Rules: Eat food. Only some of it.

Baby M shows signs of being opinionated about her food. When Jo was little, she would eat almost anything. Except meat. Meat was definitely a battle. I have a list of food Jo would eat at this age - blueberries, apples, clementines, raisins, oatmeal, peaches etc. etc etc.
Baby M, on the other hand, has strict rules about her food. Did it grow on a tree? Not going to eat that. Did it come from a bush? No thank you. Does it have more than one texture? Unacceptable. Was it fried? Yes please and I'll have Mum's too. Cheese? Give it all to me, every last crumb. Carbs? Hmmmm. Probably acceptable. Especially if you add cheese. Pureed fruit from a pouch? I'll do that unless I've eaten something else first. And meat? Yep, I'll steal your pot roast for sure.
Anyway, all this is to say that I've had a devil of a time trying to get Baby M to eat healthy things. Specifically I was stumped by her refusal to eat oatmeal. Jo ate oatmeal every single morning for the longest time. Oatmeal and fruit. M was having none of that nonsense. I did finally convince her to eat Weetabix, which, when soaked in milk, turn to mush so they're baby suitable.
Then we moved to Saubi. And I haven't bought a single box of cereal (I know it's only been a week but I have been to the grocery store twice!) Maggie eats oatmeal all of a sudden. With raisins (almost a fruit, right?) and she will now eat bananas. Pears have become pleasing (as long as they are peeled). My breakfast problems are evaporating before my eyes. Plus, we now have a huge container of laban to use up. And I know for sure she'll eat pancakes.

1 comment:

  1. Maybe the food thing is a red headed issue? We have certain diets for our super human gene?
