Sunday, July 17, 2016

Saudi Rules: Nickname

My friends, we are here! I am sitting in my bedroom in the KSA! (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, also known as Saubi because that's what Jo calls it and I love it) There are adventures to tell along the way - including The Story of the Worst Flight of my Life - but let's commence with our current situation.

Side bar:  You know I like to go back and fill in/backdate posts so watch out for that if you really need to hear about Maggie's natural ability to torture a person through sleep deprivation. I'm going to tell that girl to join the CIA. Too soon?
Or maybe you didn't know that in which case, consider yourself now warned!

Moving on.

As I said, I'm sitting in my bedroom. Let me paint a picture for you. The girls are napping, there's a pot of black beans on the stove for dinner, laundry going in the machine and sunlight dancing around the room courtesy of the leaves on the tree outside.  A gorgeous leafy green tree folks. Blowing in the slight wind and making the sunlight dance. How lucky am I? Here I find myself in the middle of a vast desert and there's a tree outside my house. I have moved a nice wing-back chair over to this corner so I can sit and enjoy the green view and while I was engaged in moving the furniture, I discovered the chair is a recliner. I am winning all the things!

Seriously, though, so far so good in Saubi. We've got a nickname for where we live. We've got a green tree and the girls have transitioned time zones like absolute pros. I, on the other hand, keep waking up after falling asleep at unhelpful times. 10am naps anyone? Thanks jet lag!

(Not our current tree)

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